Q: Who is eligible to be a vendor?
A: We whose primary residence is within the state of Alaska. Alaskans only. No exceptions.
Q: Does every piece of every item for sale, need to be from Alaska?
A: No
Q: Does shopalaskan.com only market to other Alaskans?
A: No, shopalaskan.com will market to the world for you.
Q: Is shopalaskan.com 100% Alaskan owned?
A: Yes. shopalaskan.com owners/employees are descendants of many generations of Alaskan Natives. Born here, going to die here too.
Q: Can I be a vendor if I live off the Alaskan road system?
A: YES… all you need is Internet and mail service.
Q: Does shopalaskan.com want my current customers?
A: No, we will grow your customer base through website traffic. You may direct customers to your virtual booth you like, but that’s your choice.
Q: Once I join am I locked in?
A: No, you can quit anytime.
Born in Alaska, Shopalaskan.com is an Alaskan farmers/craft market online. Shopalaskan.com will make your products available 24 hours a day every day of the year. If you don’t sell anything, you don’t pay anything.